Today marks the 34th anniversary of the terrorist attack that took 11 lives in the village of Lockerbie, and 259 passengers and crew aboard Pan American Flight 103. While the tragedy continues to haunt families and friends of the victims, the recent arrest of Abu Mas’ud and the potential for justice long delayed and denied may bring a measure of comfort to those who lost family, lovers, and friends on December 21, 1988.
Victims of Pan Am 103 will host its annual remembrance ceremony at Arlington Cemetery today starting at 1. The organization will likely post a video of the service on their website: 34th Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Service — Victims of Pan Am Flight 103
Hendrick’s Chapel at Syracuse University will host a live and virtual memorial at 2pm. Those interested may register to join via Zoom: Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Service –
C-SPAN has an extensive video collection from past services in Arlington here: Search |