January 7
Karen Lee Hunt was born 55 years ago today.
As is so often the case with epochal events, I can recall the precise details of the instant I learned of the bombing of Pan Am 103. The fading light of an uncharacteristically warm day gave no hint or portents of the tragedy unfolding over 3,000 miles away. I sat on our ghastly orange couch…
A crescendo of sound, a flash of light, and a vast cloud of flame precipitated the most horrific night of George White’s life. A lifelong resident of Lockerbie, George had served as a paramedic on the village’s ambulance squad for the past 28 years, yet the night’s chaos would push the veteran to the edge…
Karen Lee Hunt, Pi Beta Phi Portrait, 1988. Photo Credit: Pan Am Flight 103/Lockerbie Air Disaster Archives at Syracuse University: The Karen Lee Hunt Family Papers. Karen Hunt. Chicago, Spring, 1988. This image is a color-corrected photograph of the poster that appears on the Remembrance Week, 2013 page. Karen Lee Hunt (right) in London early…
In addition to these photos, I’ve posted a larger gallery of full-resolution images from the 26th anniversary service at Arlington National Cemetery on Smugmug.